Welcome To Camp Bimini
Gifts That Last A Lifetime
About Camp Bimini
Gifts That Last A Lifetime
Camp Bimini treasures our many generous donors. We are proud of how much we have been able to accomplish with funds entrusted to us. Yet the need for funds is constant.
Creating a legacy through a bequest in your will or other planned gift such as a charitable annuity or a gift of life insurance is a simple and thoughtful act that reflects your commitment to Camp Bimini, your concern for future generations, and your love for the camping world. The best part of planned giving is that you have the comfort of knowing that you have provided for the future of something you care about very dearly. A successful planned giving program can help to fulfill our inherent desire to give. One of the real blessings of planned giving is that it benefits both the giver and the recipient. For more information, please contact us.