Welcome To Camp Bimini
The Experience
About Camp Bimini
The Camp Bimini Experience
Trout Creek between Sports Field and Mess Hall at Camp Bimini
Overnight Camp (Camps #1 to #5, #8 to #9)
Lots of excitement for these camps. Theme meals, special events, all-camp activities, talent shows and more keep campers busy. Sessions include crafts, music, sports, swimming, nature and Christian Education. Of course, camp would not be complete without campfire every night led by our awesome staff. Life-long friends and memories are made during weeks like these. It’s so great! Arrival: Sunday, 3-4 p.m. (registration does not begin until 3 p.m.) Departure: Friday, 4:30 p.m. after short program. View our Summer Camp page for our camp schedule.
Day Camp (Camp #2)
Lots of excitement for this day camp option for Monday to Friday. This is a great way to introduce camp without the commitment of overnight. Sessions during the day are the same ones the overnight campers experience. Day campers arrival time is 8:45-9:15 am and pick-up will be at 4:30 pm each day. Lunch and snacks are included. For this option, see Week 2-DA. For overnight, see Week 2-OV. Arrival: Monday, 8:45-9:15 am. Departure: Friday, 4:30 p.m. after short program. View our Summer Camp page for our camp schedule.
Family Camp (Camp #6)
This has become a great Civic Holiday Weekend tradition at Bimini. This is time for families of all shapes and sizes to come to Bimini together. This relaxed weekend provides time for families to be together and to meet other families. Program includes activities for children only, teenagers only, adults only and families. Adult supervision is required for all children and teenagers. The fee includes all meals and snacks, space in our cabins, or space to park your trailer and all events. Arrival: Saturday 9:30 a.m. Departure: Monday 1 p.m.. Registration is limited. View our Summer Camp page for our camp schedule.
5 to 7 year-olds overnight (Camp #7)
This three-day camp is geared to be an intro to camp for our youngest campers. This high-energy camp has many of the same activities as our regular camp. Arrival: Wednesday 9-10 a.m. (registration does not begin until 9 a.m.) Departure: Friday 4:30 p.m. after short program. View our Summer Camp page for our camp schedule.
5 to 7 year-olds Day Camp (Camp #7)
Lots of excitement for this day camp option for Wednesday to Friday. This is a great way to introduce camp without the commitment of overnight. Sessions during the day are the same ones the overnight campers experience. Day campers arrival time is 8:45-9:15 am each day and pick-up will be at 4:30 pm each day. Lunch and snacks are included. For this option, see Week 7-DA. For overnight, see Week 7-OV. Arrival: Wednesday, 8:45-9:15 am. Departure: Friday, 4:30 p.m. after short program. View our Summer Camp page for our camp schedule.
Leadership Camp
It will be a weekend full of leadership and team building activities that will aid the camper in discovering the gifts and abilities inside them and in the people that surround them at home, at school and in the community. This will take place in our awesome Bimini setting. Registration is limited. Campers may attend this camp and a week of camp throughout the summer. This is a two-year program with different skills emphasized each year. A certificate of achievement is given for each year with a special recognition to those who have participated in both years. View our Summer Camp page for our camp schedule.